Sunday, April 18, 2010

Phew! Dewey at Last.

Okay, I'll come out and say it, I enjoyed the reading and even the exercises. What a relief. But best of all was the discussion of Dewey at the end of the week's reading and (finally) a few carefully chosen areas where WE HAVE THE POWER!

Ah, now this is where I love cataloging. Beyond the fields and subfields, where executive decisions about placement, arguments over graphic novels and non-print media, and classification of story collections enters and we have the ability and responsibility to think about ease of access, info lit skill development, and the practicalities presented by space and population and resources.

I also greatly enjoyed learning about the origins and justifications of the 2 - 20 numbers I tend to chop off of my classifications. I honesly don't think more than 2 after the decimal is required for the bulk of elementary, middle, and high school libraries.

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